3 Ways To Start Looking Forward To Returning To The Office
The past year and a half has been a whirlwind, to say the least. As the entire human species has been affected by COVID-19, we have collectively had to come together and create a new way of living.

The past year and a half has been a whirlwind, to say the least. As the entire human species has been affected by COVID-19, we have collectively had to come together and create a new way of living. Now, after that first major life change, we must prepare ourselves to adjust again - it’s time to go back to the office.

Here are three ways to start looking forward to returning to the office.

Make your work space enjoyable

One thing that would be a sure set up for unnecessary anxiety is allowing yourself to return to a workspace that you don’t enjoy occupying. Take the extra time to decorate your office desk and any workspace that you may use. Perhaps even bring a few comfort objects from home. Taking the extra effort to make your workspace enjoyable will decrease your anxiety while also helping you be more productive.

Make your commute something to look forward to

Breaking out of a routine that you have held for over a year is going to be difficult in itself, so do yourself a favor and make the process as relaxing as you can. Make a small list of things that you like to do that involve little effort, then try to incorporate them into your morning commute. This could take the shape of listening to your favorite podcasts each morning, or maybe people watching on the train. Whatever you choose to incorporate into your commute, it’s sure to make getting out of bed in the morning that much easier.

Ask for help when you need it

It’s important to remember that every one of us is struggling right now, you aren’t alone. If you find yourself in a place where you need help, whether it be in your professional life or personal, reach out to someone. We’ve all been through an ordeal, and it’s okay to allow yourself to lean on others when you need to. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from a mentor, or ask for an extension on the project you’ve been working on. We have all been struggling, and we are all still learning how to get back to life as normal.

We may never fully return to the lives that we had before 2020, and maybe that’s okay. As we keep moving forward into the unknown, we must take the time to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves. Take the extra effort to make your workspace enjoyable, make your commute something to look forward to, and ask for help when you need it. These will certainly help you start looking forward to returning to the office.

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