3 Darkly Useful Personal Brand Lessons From Darth Vader
Darth Vader was one of the most iconic “evil” characters of all time. His name reaches far beyond household fame, making appearances in TV shows, books and more.

Darth Vader was one of the most iconic “evil” characters of all time. His name reaches far beyond household fame, making appearances in TV shows, books and more. Considered a hero in the prequel Star Wars movies, but then a hero in the original film trilogy, Vader represented countless characters who fell to the dark side.

Surprisingly, there are many lessons that we can take from Darth Vader about personal branding. Here are 3 darkly useful personal branding lessons from Darth Vader:

1. Be Clear

“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

Darth Vader knows how to relate his intentions clearly to those around him, which is something you should do for your brand. Your goal should be to speak clearly to your target audience to get your message across. Your target market isn’t interested in a brand that sends complicated information into the market.

2. Choose A Side

“You don’t know the power of the dark side! I must obey my master.”

One of the most difficult, yet rewarding, parts of building a brand is choosing your team, or your side. Choosing the right people for your brand and inspiring loyalty in your new hires, and not wanting to let down your boss, similar to how Darth Vader felt in the quote above, helps keep your company focused on bigger goals.

3. Authenticity Matters

“No… I am your Father…”

This quote from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, where Darth Vader admits he is Luke’s father, is the most mentioned pop-culture reference. Upholding honesty within your brand allows for your audience to trust you, even in difficult times. Remain authentic and say exactly what you mean, so that you can retain long-term customers and clients.

As we see with Darth Vader, being clear about what you want, choosing a side, and being truly authentic are great ways of building your personal brand.

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